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iqInterface can be programmatically managed using C DLL for Windows to write automated tests of IO-Link masters or devices for example. You can use a DLL with its API as a black box or integrate its source code to your existing C/C++ project, for example CVI, Teststand or MS Visual Studio.

You can find the DLL iqcomm.dll on the USB flash drive delivered with iqInterface under dll folder. Source code of DLL, examples of CVI and MS Visual Studio projects can be found under dll\CVI_and_Visual_Studio_demo_projects\201X_XX_XX_iqcomm_dll_vX.X.X.X. The last version of DLL and its source code can be also downloaded from its page (see also version changelog). The file iqcomm_example.c in the source code folder contains example code of standard iqInterface usage with detailed description in comments.

iqInterface must be properly connected to PC over comport/USB or Ethernet (tcp/ip) interface. For USB usage the driver should be installed (see physical connection).

To use DLL or its source you should always include iqi_define.h header, iqi_mst.h for master mode, iqi_dev.h for device mode and iqi_ethernet.h/iqi_comm.h for Ethernet (tcp/ip) connection. See further more detailed API description of these modules.

All functions return some non-negative value as a result or negative error code in case of failure. Error codes are enumerated in iqi_define.h with ERR_ prefix. Each function also takes a character buffer pointer cpErrMsg for an error description in case of failure. The error buffer should be at least 256 bytes. Most of functions also take a port number to identify a port to which iqInterface is connected. This port number is obtained from connect functions, like mst_Connect/mst_EthernetConnect or dev_Connect/dev_EthernetConnect.